Uli Mayang

28 February 2010

my first dress

do every think make you happy

yoyoyoyo... this picture was taking last year when i have finished my first dress. well i learn how to sewing a dress. it is really excited for me to make a clothes that you can't buy any where. now i will show you the dress i have made, it's batik fabric, Indonesia ethnic fabric.

i love batik and i hope you too or you will love it too.
for now you can wear batik not only in formal occasion such as wedding party and office meeting, but its can wear in all condition. it because batik for to days have so many motive and design. so let's wear your batik to save your ethnic culture.

it is my mother. we take picture together. we wore same batik fabric motif

 its my picture when i was visiting my family from father at kertosono

batik dress: sewing by my self, 
bracelet, ring, eat-stud: Bali
batik bag and necklace: jogja 

uli mayang

27 February 2010

make over your large headscarf

do everything, make you are happy



I am so sorry, I know my English language and grammar really bad. But I learn to be better in future. And so sorry too, about some I wore here is making by my self. It’s because I am now learn for sewing clothes and  I am not have some money to bought all items I want. LOL yeah i am jobless or work yet. I am embarrassed if always ask to my parents. that's why i must thinking and become creative. I thought ‘style its not about who can follow all new fashion items because its must need to much money. But style is about who can mix items and show her character by the clothes she wore.
 or in simple, style is human character showed by the clothes they wore.

“style is a expression of individualism mixed with charisma. Fashion is something that comes after style”
- John Fairchild -

Black and white Open toe slipper , unbranded
brown bag, unbranded
long dress, sewing by my self
bead Bracelet , hand made
headscarf, hand make


you needs :

-thread for sewing
-sewing stick
-gun for glue
-candle glue
-large headscarf

Let’s have a try:

1. fold one by one ribbon like a picture (make like a flower), after that sewing the ribbon. You must do all ribbon like that.(for the first ribbon flower gift bead upper the ribbon)
2. stack the ribbon flower, end then glue or sewing it. 
3. gift glue on top of large headscarf. And put ribbon to closed surface from large headscarf 
4. move stack ribbon flower up to large headscarf, and gift glue. 
5. it’s ready to wear.


Uli mayang

26 February 2010

make knitting vest

You needs :
-thread wool
-sewing stick and bump stick
-thread for sewing
-knitting stick
-ribbon, pin or brooch

Let’s have a try:
1. make knitting chains, long from chain is free. Knitting up use thread wool and knitting stick.
2. make vest base share front and back.
3. continue front and back vest with bump stick.
4. fill up sewing stick with thread for sewing and then sewing edges from vest. (for help when sewing with machine), open bump stick and sew with sewing machine. Open hand sewing.
5. vest ready to wear.

in my free time I want to make something that can wore by me. It is better then I do negative activity. just wear a product especially clothes is not a best too, because in my mind i thought 'if we can made it by our self it will helpful. we can save our money also we can explore our creativity. one stone two birth be stylist in cheap way. 

Red Open toe slipper , borrow my sister
Knit bag, Blitar
Vast, made by my self
Tree ring, bali
Button Bracelet , gift by selly
Rope bracelet, jogja


Uli mayang

20 February 2010

membuat bunga dari sampah plastik

do everythink can make u happy

Hai hai hai…. Nie posting pertama aku di tahun 2010, aku sempat bingung nie blog enaknya di buat apa yach?? Akhirnya aku dapet ilham setelah bertapa berbulan bulan, di kamar mandi tapa…Hhe”_

Nie blog selain buat nulis tentang perjalanan hidup aku yang amat sangat penuh rintangan (leeebaayyyy...) juga mau aku isi dengan hal-hal berguna… kebetulan dari dulu aku tertarik dengan keterampilan tangan, mudah mudahan nie blog bisa berguna bagi pembacanya (entah membuat tertawa, tersenyum, meringis, nangis atow tambah ngamuk… Hhe”_). Dan buat informasi aku bakal posting tiap 1 minggu sekali. Cipz langsung ja kita coba hasil penemuanku..

Untuk posting pertama kali ini aku mau membantu mendaur ulang sampah plastik/keresek menjadi bunga pelastik. Nah di bawah ini adalah bahan-bahan yang kita butuhkan serta cara membuatnya...


☻Plastik/kresek warna apa ja (tp sebaiknya jangan yang warna hitam) 
☻tali rafia warna hijau 
☻lidi/sapu ijuk 
☻vas bunga/pot

2. siapkan plastik dan ratakan permukaannya.

3. Gunting sisi kanan, kiri, bawah dan atas plastik sehingga menjadi 2 lembar terpisah.

4. Gunting 2 lembar pelastik tadi menjadi beberapa bagian yang besarnya sama dan memiliki panjang yang sama.

5. Susun lembaran plastik yang telah di gunting. (dapat di sisipi/ di selingi warna-warna lain sesuai selera masing-masing)

6. lipat lembaran plastik yang telah disusun seperti melipat kipas-kipasan kertas.

7. ikat dengan menggunakan tali rafia hijau di bagian tengah plastik yang telah di buat seperti kipas tadi

8. siapkan lidi sepanjang kebutuhan dan siapkan juga tali rafia hijau. 

9. lilitkan tali rafia hijau sehingga menutupi seluruh bagian lidi 

10. Sambungkan kipas dengan lidi yang telah ditutupi oleh tali rafia 

11. tutup dan rapikan tempat menyambung lidi dengan kipas 

12. buka lipatan-lipatan kipas plastik 

13. rapikan dan bentuklah lipatan sehingga membentuk bunga

14. contoh bunga dengan 1 warna

Nah mudah kan... selamat mencoba ya.. hitung-hitung mengisi waktu luang dan mengurangi sampah plastik...selain itu mendaur ulang juga menyenangkan loh...kita bisa bebas berkreasi, menghasilkan sesuatu yang bagus tanpa mengeluarkan biaya, juga turut serta menjaga bumi kita..hhe_

Thanks for read my blog please comment if u like my posting

uli mayang