Uli Mayang

07 December 2014


finally December is coming. the last month for this year. flash back in 2014 there were so many plan of resolution i have made and 80% have done. alhamdullilah... :) now its time to make next resolution for 2015. can be waiting for new year.. :D 

well last week i went to warung pecel pare you can said it restaurant that is popular with pecel, what is pecel? pecel is names of food came from java consisted by so many vegetables such as bean sprouts, mustard, spinach, etc with peanut sauce.  but i did't order pecel for this moment i choose burned carp. 

halo semua 
akhirnya desember datang juga. bulan terakhir dari tahun ini. melihat lagi di tahun 2014 ada banya rencana dan resolusi yang uli mayang buat dan alhamdullilahh 80% tercapai. sekarang waktunya buat resolusi berikutnya di tahun 2015. tidak sabar lagi menuggu tahun baru.

minggu lalu uli mayang pergi kewarung pecel pare. huum... gak perlu ya di jelasin pecel itu apa. pasti udah pada tau dan pernah makan. betul tidak? ya walau ke warung pecel tapi yang ui pesan gurame bakar haha... ga nyambung banget ya ??? 

 the place really nice, that is it i took some picture there. i can saw rice field from my table. and the furniture made the ethnic sense stronger. for price ya... reasonable. honestly i wanna took more details about the place, but i was felt really shy. beside that, i was afraid to bothered the other visitor.