Uli Mayang

02 September 2013


 Well guys those pictures takes in selomangleng cove. This cove located on Kediri city. Based on the history the cove was using by goddess kilisuci for doing penance. The meaning of Selomangleng cove is Stone (Selo) and mangleng (hanging). Goddness Killisuci is a daughter from King Airlangga.

Hai kawan gambar – gambar ini di ambil di gua selomangleng. Lokasinya di Kediri kota. Berdasarkan cerita sich ini dulu di gunakan oleh dewi kilisuci sebagai tempat bertapa. Arti dari selomangleng sendiri adalah batu (selo) dan menggantung (mangleng). Dewi kili suci sendiri adalah putri dari raja airlangga.

me in front of selomangleng cave

I was coming here when Saturday that why this place look so silent but if you coming in Sunday or holiday it will be fuelling by human. In Sunday, there will be showing traditional dances. Beside that the museum and swimming pool will open also.

Waktu uli datang kesini itu hari sabtu makanya sepi. Tapi kalau datangnya hari minggu pasti ramai banget. Karena setiap hari minggu bakal di beri suguhan gratis tari tradisional. Selain itu museum dan kolam renangnya juga buka. 

me in front of Kilisuci goddess icon

I love handy craft and all about hand made so much. that’s why i feel not complete if I just come and dint't buy some think in selomangleng cave. so I buy a souvenir also. Well this some souvenir you can buy here.

Uli mayang suka banget sama semua yang serba buatan tangan. Makanya tidak afdol rasanya kalau berkunjung ke gua selomangleng inni tanpa beli oleh – oleh. 

actually there was so many cool place to makes picture here, but i was in hurry so i just taking some picture. next I will coming again and taking more.

Oh ya di sini banyak bangen spot spot keren buat foto, sayangnya gak sempat foto semua soalnya di kejar waktu. Ya besok – besok datang lagi lah.

i like this picture, because the roots of trees makes it looks so artistic (LOL) and the big stone makes the art more strong also, isn't it?

saya suka foto ini, karena akar dari pohon membuat foto ini terkesan berseni, apa lagi di tambah batu besar yg saya duduki semakin terkesan berseni kan?

are you interest to visiting this place?

bagai mana tertarik berkunjung?

   Outfit :
Dress; my own sketch, 
jegging; unbranded, 
bangle; making by myself, 
wedges; Nevada,


  1. weee kayak enak banget tuh tempatnya ^^ aku juga suka outfit ama rambutmu ^^

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  2. That is a interesting post, the place looks really awesome. I would like to visit there someday and you are so pretty!

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  4. Kapan2 bisa mampir ke sana....kalo bertandang ke kota Kediri :)

  5. seru banget yah mba , pemandangan nya keren

  6. Belumpernah kesini kak..
    seperti nya seru ya.. pingin kesana deh..


  7. @inge.. iya asik kok inge, kesini ja main - main. terimakasihh hihi..

    @yomi thank you yomi, i though you are beautiful than me.

    thank you

    monggo di tunggu kunjungan ke kedirinya

    iya nie mbag..

    hihi... iya kesini aja.. makasih kunjungan n follow backnya.

  8. terimakasih sharingnya, tempat wisata yang indah


Thanks for a nice comment

uli mayang.